Extrusion offers numerous benefits in diet preparation for young pigs, among which the following are included: starch gelatinisation, protein denaturation, destruction of certain antinutritional factors, microbial decontamination, and dehydration.
Starch digestibility
Proper extrusion of cereals improves starch digestibility and marginally improves protein utilisation. Thus, cereals with more naturally resistant starch and higher protein concentration, such as barley and wheat, benefit most from extrusion processing.
Additionally, extrusion appears to increase solubility, and thus digestibility and promote bacterial proliferation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Growth performance
In terms of growth performance, cereal extrusion may enhance growth rate, but the most consistent effect is improved feed efficiency, due to enhanced energy and nutrient digestibility.
In conclusion, proper extrusion improves starch digestibility and enhances feed efficiency.